“The Magician's Nephew” Book Design
- C.S. Lewis 7 Author
- Pauline Baynes 7 Illustrator
- Book 781
- Book Cover 252
Printed Pages
“The Magician’s Nephew” is the sixth book in C.S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia series. This book was printed during the 1980s and uses the design of the 1970 Special Edition Collier Books softcover box set. The 1970 debut was also the first printing of The Chronicles of Narnia by Collier Books, which at the time was a division of Macmillian Publishing Co. in New York. The interior illustrations are by English illustrator Pauline Baynes, and the exterior illustrators and designer are unknown. The exterior design utilizes geometric framing elements, stylized illustrations with stipple shading, and a slab serif typeface.
“The Magician’s Nephew” is the sixth book in C.S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia series. This book is a prequel to “The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe” and goes back as far as the creation of Narnia itself by Aslan. Two unwitting children, Polly and Digory, are transported to Narnia and travel through the multiverse trying to escape from the evil witch queen Jadis.